1. Octave Analysis and Sound Level Meter (SLM)

    Acoustics measurements are performed for a variety of reasons, including: product design, production testing, machine performance, and process control. Crystal […]
  2. Frequency Response Function (FRF)

    A common application of dynamic signal analyzers is the measurement of the Frequency Response Function (FRF) of mechanical systems. This […]
  3. MIMO Time Waveform Replication

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output TWR Vibration Control MIMO Time Waveform Replication (TWR) Control System provides precise, real-time, multi-channel control for long waveform […]
  4. MIMO Shock Response Spectrum

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output SRS VCS The Shock Response Spectrum vibration control package provides controls to meet a target Required Response Spectrum […]
  5. MIMO Transient Time History

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output TTH VCS Using template based importing tools, time waveform in various formats are imported into EDM VCS. Scaling, […]