1. Prisms

    Prims, manufacturerd by Centrotecnica, could be considered as a substitute to a Slip Table for Vibration Test Systems. The Prism […]
  2. Cubes

    Cubes, manufactured by Centrotecnica, are used to perform vibrations on three axis on small objects and test samples. They usually […]
  3. Terminal Box Knock Out Tester

    The Terminal Box Knock Out Tester by King Design has been designed to test power junction boxes as per IEC61730 […]
  4. IMV – Replacement Amplifiers

    Customers wishing to take advantage of the ECO technology offered by IMV are able to upgrade their equipment through the […]
  5. Aluminum & Magnesium Head Expanders

    Designed for High-Frequency testing, Head Expanders can be made from either Magnesium or Aluminum. Head Expanders that are cast, are […]