With the Automotive Market looking to further improve the quality and durability of their Products, several of the major OEMS have now introduced Multi Sine Vibration Testing.
The Multi-Sine concept has been implemented to significantly shorten the test time compared to single sine testing, yet maintaining the quality and reliability of the product test environment. Multi-Sine has proven to be a very effective method for this purpose.
Typical Customer Test times for classical single sine tests are relatively long compared with the time taken to perform random tests (i.e. typically 100 h Sine vs. 20 h Random) this is a generally accepted method because in Random Testing all resonance frequencies are simultaneously excited.
It has also been observed by many of the OEMS that in single Swept Sine tests the resonance frequencies are not excited for long periods, and therefore the time to achieve a certain number of load-cycles is extended
To increase the number of load cycles per unit time, multi sine profiles have been developed whereby several Sine sweeps are run simultaneously and the total test time can be reduced in proportion to the number of simultaneous sine sweeps. For example, by running four simultaneous sine sweeps reduces the required test time to one quarter (100 hours becomes 25 hours)
As all of the resonances are excited by each sine sweep and this significantly increases the load cycles for the item under test and significantly reduces the test time.
For more information on how IMV Vibration Test equipment can enhance your test capabilities please visit https://www.thp-systems.com/manufacturer/imv-corporation/ or contact us on [email protected]