ISTA-6 Amazon Certification
Last year, Amazon announced its Frustration-Free Packaging program to help minimize waste produced by Amazon and its vendors, minimize damage to products, and ensure packaging is recyclable and easy to open. Starting in July 2019, companies using Amazon’s fulfillment network will be subject to charges on each unit shipped if they are not meeting the new requirements.
THP Systems are partnered with L.A.B to provide the United Kingdom and Europe with the machinery needed to test and become certified for Amazon’s Frustration-Free Packaging.
L.A.B. Equipment’s Solution
L.A.B. Equipment is ready to help you test your packaging and become compliant with Amazon’s new policies. Our HV Vibration Systems, AccuDrop™ series drop testers, incline impact systems and Validator™ compression system are specifically designed to meet or exceed Amazon Series 6, ISTA and ASTM test protocols.
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Get in touch today for information on how to kick start your certification. Whether you need project advice or product information THP Systems and L.A.B Equipment are equipped to handle your needs.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01462 481859